Posts Tagged ‘Santa Susana Field Laboratory’

It Happened Here

by Teens Against Toxins Co-Founders Devyn Gortner and Robin Estrin

The entire world watches, helpless and terrified, as Japan’s four nuclear reactors are abandoned. But for those of us who live just a few miles from the site of America’s first, and least-known, commercial nuclear meltdown, our reaction is tempered by familiarity and frustration.

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RCC Featured on CBS Local News Special

CBS TV Channel 2 News aired an extraordinary piece featuring RCC members.

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Community Members Hail Agreement to Clean Up Meltdown Site – Fruition of 21 Years of Struggle

Members of the Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition, who have worked for two decades to achieve today’s historic development, expressed great joy over the signing of the breakthrough agreements with the Department of Energy and NASA for the cleanup of contamination at the Santa Susana Field Lab. The Coalition has fought since 1989 to get the site cleaned up.

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SSFL Cleanup on KCRW

KCRW’s Warren Olney, who broke the story of the partial meltdown at SSFL in 1979, interviews Dan Hirsch of Committee to Bridge the Gap, Ventura County Supervisor Linda Parks, and Teens Against Toxins founder Devyn Gortner about the SSFL Cleanup Agreements on a Which Way, LA? segment entitled “Residents Push for Toxic Cleanup in Santa […]

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