Posts Tagged ‘EPA’

Radiation Found at Hundreds of Locations at SSFL

Cesium 137 at SSFL

The US EPA has announced the results of a three year survey of contamination in Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL.) Though Boeing claimed it had cleaned everything up, EPA found hundreds of locations with contamination, a half century after a partial nuclear meltdown and other accidents. EPA found 291 soil samples with Cesium-137 contamination, at levels up to 1,000 times background and far above EPA’s remediation goals for unrestricted use. In addition, 153 samples had strontium-90 contamination, at levels up to 284 times background.

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New EPA data show substantial radioactivity at site of SSFL partial meltdown

Assemblymember Julia Brownley issued a press release on March 5, 2012 regarding new EPA data that show substantial radioactive contamination at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

Pictured to left: gamma isotopic detector mounted on a burro at SSFL

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