Elected Officials Support SSFL Agreements on Consent

Assemblywoman Julia Brownley, State Senator Fran Pavley, Ventura County Supervisor Linda Parks, LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, and LA City Councilman Greig Smith have expressed their support for the final Agreements on Consent reached between the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and the Department of Energy.

The elected officials state:

1. We are pleased that agreement has been reached between the parties to clean up the DOE’s portions of this highly-contaminated site to background levels. The history of dangerous activities conducted at the SSFL is well documented, as well as the chemical and radioactive waste that has remained as a toxic legacy for more than a half century. This cleanup to background should provide the highest level of assurance possible that the health and safety of our constituents and all other residents in the area will, at last, be protected.

2. The key to all of this has been getting the Agreements in Principle commemorated into a final document that is both legally binding on the parties and fully enforceable. We commend the parties for reaching this historic point, and hope that this document will now provide a path for a similar agreement between California and NASA for cleanup up of the contamination of the areas of the site on which NASA conducted activities.

3. It is our expectation that the final document will be signed no later than December 6 as per the DOE’s commitment. Over 1,700 comments in support of the Agreements in Principle were received from the public. It is now time for the parties to sign the Agreements on Consent.

To view the official statement, click here.

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