Category: Boeing

RCC and Allies file Amicus Brief

The Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition and allied organizations including the Southern California Federation of Scientists, Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles, and Committee to Bridge the Gap have filed a Amicus Brief in opposition to Boeing’s efforts to overturn SB990, the state cleanup law for the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

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Boeing Urged to Join DOE and NASA in Historic Cleanup Agreement

Congressman Brad Sherman, Assemblymember Julia Brownley, Ventura County Supervisor Linda Parks, and LA City Councilman Greig Smith held a press conference at SSFL to deliver a letter to Boeing to call on it to stop frustrating the cleanup and join in the agreements-in-principle reached with DOE, NASA, and the state.

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Court denies Boeing motion

The court has denied, without prejudice to refiling, Boeing’s summary judgment motion. Click here to see the ruling.

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Water Board votes for enforceable limits

On June 3 the Water Board voted to put back in place enforceable numeric limits for Outfalls 8 and 9 at SSFL. The decision to reinstate enforceable limits occurred after it was revealed that the apparent promise Boeing had made the year before to simultaneously do contaminated soil removal (Interim Source Removal Act, or ISRA) with Engineered Natural Treatment Systems (ENTS) to capture contamination that might be mobilized by the excavation had been breached, and ENTS not put in.

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