Category: Boeing

Tentative New Water Permit Will Relax Already Weak Pollution Limits for Boeing

A tentative new 180 page water permit released by LARWQCB, if approved, would further relax the already weak pollution limits for Boeing and allow increased amounts of contaminants to migrate off SSFL in polluted runoff. A hearing for this permit is currently scheduled for February 12 at 1:30 pm. – please attend and speak out for a stronger permit.

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Court Denies Boeing Request to Dispose of Radioactive Debris Without Agency Oversight

On January 5 the Sacramento Superior Court of California denied Boeing’s motion to summarily grant judgment for them and allow them to dispose of radioactive waste from dismantlement of contaminated SSFL buildings wherever they chose, and without getting approval from state agencies.

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Who Controls the SSFL Cleanup? Boeing or the Public? Learn More at the SSFL Work Group Meeting Feb. 4

The Work Group will discuss • Proposed permit that would allow more migration of contaminants in surface water runoff from SSFL • Recent court ruling on disposal of SSFL radioactive debris • Efforts to work with communities that are similarly impacted by the failure of the state toxics department • Cleanup myths propagated by Boeing • And more!

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Will SSFL Ever Be Cleaned Up? Learn More at October 1 Work Group meeting

The SSFL Work Group will hold an important meeting on October 1 for a candid discussion about the contamination and cleanup at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. John Pace, a former Atomics International employee, will relay his first-person experiences during the partial nuclear meltdown of the Sodium Reactor Experiment. Also addressed will be troubling developments regarding the SSFL cleanup agreements that leave some wondering if the nuclear and chemical contamination will ever be cleaned up.

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Court Decision Has No Impact on Meltdown Site Cleanup – DOE and NASA Santa Susana Cleanup Agreements Untouched

September 19, 2014 – Today’s appeals court decision in a lawsuit Boeing filed back in 2009 will not affect the cleanup of the former reactor and rocket testing facility near Simi Valley, cleanup groups said.

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