Organizational Allies

The Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition, or RCC, is a community-based alliance dedicated to the cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, commonly known as Rocketdyne. Read more about us here. Our organizational allies include:

Committee to Bridge the Gap
Committee to Bridge the Gap is a 40-year-old nonprofit organization focused on nuclear policy matters. For thirty-one of those years, CBG has been involved in trying to redress serious safety and environmental problems associated with the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL). Dan Hirsch is the President of CBG and also serves as co-chair of the SSFL Advisory Panel, which oversaw health studies of the workers and of potential impacts to the neighboring offsite population, funded initially by the Department of Energy and then through the California Legislature.

Hirsch is a lecturer teaching nuclear policy at the University of California at Santa Cruz, where he founded and was the first director of the Stevenson Program on Nuclear Policy. On June 13, 2010, the Rocketdyne community, environmental activists, nuclear watchdogs, celebrities and elected officials gathered to honor CBG’s 40th anniversary of advocacy in an uplifting celebration honoring Dan Hirsch and his unique and effective organization.

Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles
PSR-LA is a physician and health advocate membership organization working towards system and policy changes to protect public health from nuclear threats and environmental degradation. Representing over 4,000 physicians, health professionals, and concerned residents in Southern California, PSR-LA inform the medical community and policymakers about toxic threats, teach them about safer practices, build coalitions with state-wide and national organizations, and strengthen local community organizations to engage in meaningful public health and environmental advocacy. Part of a Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization, PSR-LA has been active in the SSFL issue since 1989.

Radiation Rangers
The Radiation Rangers are a Simi Valley-based citizens group dedicated to a comprehensive reassessment of the Runkle Canyon property in Simi Valley where KB Home plans to build 461 residences. Runkle Canyon borders and is downhill from Area IV of SSFL and how show signs of radiological and chemical concentrations far higher than the norm. In the summer of 2007, the Rangers found high levels of arsenic, nickel and vanadium in Runkle Canyon creek water and soil. The city of Simi Valley subsequently tested and found even higher levels of certain contaminants. The Radiation Rangers have submitted 58 pages of Runkle Canyon Response Plan comments to the Department of Toxic Substances Control regarding cleanup of the canyon that detail the group’s concerns.

Southern California Federation of Scientists
The Southern California Federation of Scientists, SCFS, was formed to meet the responsibility of scientists and engineers in promoting the welfare of humanity and the achievement and maintenance of world peace. Modern technological developments have brought into focus the need for more active social and political participation by technical people. SCFS is an interdisciplinary organization of scientists, engineers, scholars and concerned citizens dedicated to providing independent scientific and technical analyses and expertise on issues affecting Science, Society and Public Policy. SCFS welcomes all persons who are concerned that science and technology be used to enhance the human condition. SCFS has been involved with the Rocketdyne issue since 1989.

Teens Against Toxins
Teens Against Toxins is a teen-operated non-profit organization that dedicates its time to helping to fight environmental and human-rights issues. Their website says it best: “We care about the health and stability of future generations. Teens Against Toxins recognizes the importance of supporting and providing for the next generations, for they are the future of this world. Our main goal as an organization is to fight causes that create undeniable hazards and barriers in the younger generation’s attempts to fair, just, and healthy lives.”

On February 25, 2010, Teens Against Toxins had a Boeing Bake Sale near the entrance of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. The successful event yielded an oversize check that the Teens Against Toxins made out to Boeing to help the giant corporation out cleaning up SSFL. Gate personnel turned the teens away and didn’t take the nearly $100 the Teens Against Toxins had for Boeing. So successful has been Teens Against Toxins that they have been featured on Michael Moore’s website in a piece called “A Letter to Boeing: From My Generation to Yours…”

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