1700 Comments Received in Favor of SSFL Cleanup Agreement!

Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory

Coalition Applauds DOE and State Reaching Agreement on Text of Legally Enforceable Consent Order but Expresses Frustration that the Signing is Delayed Until December
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An astonishing 1700-plus comments were received in support of the cleanup agreements for the nuclear and rocket-testing SSFL, the state announced late yesterday. The commenters called for immediate signing of the agreements.

However, the Department of Energy (DOE) has requested an additional 30-day comment period on the legal language drafted to incorporate the agreement into a binding, enforceable form.

The Rockektdyne Cleanup Coalition, a 21-year-old alliance working to ensure the cleanup of the contaminated site, expressed pleasure with the creation of the legally enforceable order but frustration with the delay in getting it signed.

“I have lived beneath this polluted site since 1970, and have worked diligently for decades to get those responsible to clean it up,” said coalition spokesperson Barbara Johnson. “I am dismayed that there is now to be an additional delay, until early December in signing the agreement and getting on with the cleanup. There should be no more delays!”

“More than 1700 people already commented, supporting the agreements by a hundred to one. It is deeply frustrating to be called on to go through all that again. But we will hold the feds to their promise to sign by December 6. Then these impacted communities can finally breathe a sigh of relief,” said Johnson.

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