The Contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory Must Be Fully Cleaned Up Before Any Consideration for National Monument Status or Inclusion in Rim of the Valley Recreation Area

The former nuclear and rocket testing facility, the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), is one of the most contaminated places in the state. The parties responsible for cleaning it up have long been trying to get out of their cleanup obligations. The most recent scheme is to try to make the polluted land a park – a National Monument or part of the proposed Rim of the Valley open space – and thereby use grossly weaker cleanup standards, leaving about 98% of the radioactive and toxic chemical contamination not cleaned up. This would save the polluters a lot of money but fail to protect the people who live nearby from the contamination that migrates offsite.

Sign the petition below to demand that the commitments for a full cleanup of SSFL must be carried out before it is considered for a National Monument or for inclusion in Rim of the Valley Corridor! Note, if you prefer for your signature to not appear publicly on this website, you can click here to sign the petition on Physicians for Social Responsibility’s website.

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