NBC4 Investigation – Study of Contamination at Children’s Camp Near SSFL is Flawed

NBC4 broadcast a new segment on May 4, 2016 in its ongoing “LA”s Nuclear Secret” investigation of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory that examines a new study commissioned by American Jewish University which asserts its Brandeis-Bardin Institute property, home of Camp ALonim children’s camp, is not impacted by SSFL contamination.

However, the company that performed the study took only 16 samples for the entire 2,878 site. That company, Tetra Tech, is also under under investigation after Tetra Tech employees told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that they’d been ordered to falsify soil samples at the Hunters Point former nuclear test site in San Francisco, where a developer now wants to build homes.

You can view the segment below, and read more about the story at NBC4’s website.

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